An Unrivaled Team You Can Count On

Licensed, BBB-Accredited MA Cash Buyers With 37 Years of Experience

Certified Massachusetts Home Buyers

Building Trust in the Communities We Serve Is Our Top Priority.

As BBB-accredited, fully-licensed real estate professionals in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, we’ve made a commitment to only the highest standards of professionalism and service.

What Massachusetts Homeowners Are Saying:

We’ve helped dozens of home sellers across Massachusetts get where they want to go. We could talk ourselves up all we’d like here, but at the end of the day it’s their opinion of us that matters:

From Marine to Mass Homebuyer

Welcome! I’m Mark, and that lovely lady next to me is my partner Janet. Between the two of us, we wear many hats. We’re proud parents, former men and women in uniform, contractors, licensed real estate agents, and cash buyers who purchase and renovate homes throughout Massachusetts.

I served in the Marine Corps around the time of the First Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm. Janet, meanwhile, spent her early twenties in the U.S. Air Force.

Because we’ve gotten old(er), we’re not nearly as tough as we used to be. I can’t do push-ups without my shoulder hurting, and Janet’s 6-minute mile is a thing of the past. But the values of the Marine Corps and armed forces — honor, respect, and integrity — stay with you, and they will forever shape how we run our business.

HonorRespect, and Integrity Are Our Core Tenets.

We HONOR the promises and commitments we make to our sellers

If we agree to buy your house, it will get done.

If we say no repairs needed, we won’t ask you to do repairs later. If we say no cleaning needed, we won’t ask you to clean later.

If we say no inspections, we won’t be calling you to change our mind later.

What you see is what you get. Period.

We RESPECT our clients by being transparent and upfront about everything

We explain from the get-go how we come up with our offers.

We ‘ll also explain up front what our entire process looks like from start to finish. You’ll always know exactly what to expect.

If for any reason we’re not a perfect fit and don’t end up doing business, no worries at all.

But you’ll never have to guess what we’re doing or why.

We show INTEGRITY by doing what’s right, even when it’s not best for us

Selling for cash isn’t ideal for everyone.

If we think another route is a better fit for your situation, we’ll tell you.

Why? We’re not some national company. Our business depends on the trust of local communities.

If we violate that trust by giving bad advice, our credibility is shot. 

I was acting on behalf of an incapacitated family member, and worked with the team to sell their home. Despite a pending foreclosure and other issues with the house, we were able to get it sold quickly and successfully.

I found them to be the utmost professionals with a level of compassion that did not go unnoticed.

Ross-Strader Family
Hull, MA
9.22. 21

Flipping For Charity

To whom much is given, much is expected. 

We joined the military because we believed (and still very much believe) that America, while far from perfect, is a country worth serving and sacrificing for. 

But, we also believe that giving back is a lifelong project, and not just one that ends when you leave the military.

That’s why we’ve made public service a core value of our company.

Everyone on our team is involved with an organization they’re passionate about. Mark regularly volunteers at Red Cross shelters and blood donation banks. Cass, with her love of education, works with children in foster care providing them academic support. 

But, the unfortunate reality is that most volunteer organizations are severely underfunded. So for every house that we renovate and resell, we dedicate a portion of our profits to the amazing charities we work with.

Telegraph Hill, MA

Medford, MA

Acton, MA

But Why?

It’s true, we’re in business to make a profit and put food on the table. BUT — and you’re going to think this sounds corny, we get it — we find real meaning in our work beyond the dollars attached to a house. Helping someone out of a tough situation is gratifying just by itself, but there’s even more to the story.

When we buy houses for cash, fix them up, and resell them, we help build communities. Yes, we know, corny … but just hear us out on this one.

There’s a crisis of affordable housing in America today. There are far fewer “starter homes” available to a family now than 50 years ago. Why? Because they’re not building the 3 bed, 2 bath, 1500 square-footers anymore. Most of the money now is in high-end, luxury construction.

So here’s the kicker: many of the houses we buy and renovate are in fact those 1950s starter homes ideal for a new family. There’s nothing more satisfying than getting to meet the excited young parents who will raise their kids in the house we’ve renovated for them. We’re probably not going to change the world overall, but we do like to think we’re having a big impact on the worlds of those people. And for us that’s worth it.

“Unrivaled Homebuyers lives up to the name.”

Tanya K.

Framingham, MA

So What’s About Us?

Everyone claims to the best (otherwise, why do business with them?) … but we bring receipts 🙂


We offer a full range of services that most cash homebuyers do not, including:

Help Packing and Moving

Help Finding A New Home

Help Solving Home Legal Issues

Help With All Parts of the Home Sale

Special Accommodations
(like staying in the home after selling it)


We have a dedicated crew of handymen and contractors to help us repair houses, so our renovation costs are always kept low.

That means we’re making stronger, better offers than the vast majority of cash homebuyers in Massachusetts.

Think we’re kidding? We put our money where our mouth is; if you manage to find a legitimate, higher cash offer, we’ll beat it (or pay you $200). So, go ahead and see if you can bankrupt us.


The unfortunate reality is, most “we buy houses” companies will come into your home, pick it apart, and then throw a ridiculously lower offer at you, in the hopes that you’re desperate enough to accept.

The minute we start doing that is the minute we deserve to go out of business. When we meet people, our focus is on getting to know their situation and treating them as individuals, so we can put together an offer that fits their needs like a glove (or, point them elsewhere if we think a cash sale isn’t the best option).

Supporting Cast & Crew

Saul Glasser, Marketing

A resident of Framingham, Massachusetts for 30+ years, Saul is our in-house marketing and outreach expert. His day consists of finding new properties, knocking on doors, and making contact with prospective home sellers. When he’s off the clock, you’ll find Saul at auctions and flea markets hunting for antiques to add to his collection, or at his favorite bar, Erica’s Ristorante in Ashland.

Cass Hughes, Operations

As head of operations, Cass Hughes (nickname: Cashews) ensures that all of our deals run smoothly and stay on track. Cass’ interest in real estate began when she was growing up during the Great Recession. Both of her parents had lost their jobs, and soon after, the home she’d grown up in was forced into foreclosure. She’s intimately familiar with the stress, frustration, and chaos that arises when one’s house turns into a burden. She remembers how trapped her parents felt because they were too embarrassed to ask for help, and the looming threat of having to relocate and leave her friends at school. Now, almost thirteen years later, she is focused on helping sellers with home-related challenges of their own, big or small.

Marty, Transporation

With a 6.2-liter V-8 Hellcat engine delivering over 700 horsepower, Marty ensures that Mark gets to his seller appointments in an efficient manner.  Marty is also the iconic mascot of Unrivaled, symbolizing the pursuit of excellence. Unfortunately, while Marty does his best to be an exemplary employee, he has been the subject of some controversy. Janet often complains that Marty gets more attention than she does, leading to some regrettable tension in the workplace. Marty is also a frequent target of the Natick police, having received his fair share of speeding tickets which have cut into the company’s profits.

So What’s Next?

It Takes All Of 3 Minutes To Get The Process Started Below.

Doesn’t mean we’ll buy your house, or that you have to sell your house.

But if you fill out our short form or give us a call, we should be able to figure out if this is potentially a fit.

And if not, no worries — we’ll have given it our best shot, and you’ll know what we can pay for the house.

Get A Quick, All-Cash Offer For Your Home Below!

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